Bernie Sanders is Going to Win the Democratic Primary and Presidency - Mark My Word

Quite strange, isn't it? This blog claims it to be an economic blog and the funny enough the first post is a political one. It's not like that there is not much happening in the economic front. There is too much happening in the economic front, may be the most important is "What's happening to Gold Price?". In just two session Gold Price has risen by almost 50$. Keep a close watch on the gold price! That will give indication of when those in charge of propping up a phony recovery lose control. May be, we may see some mystery operator soon dumping Gold futures. (They can't let this rise this way and especially this fast).

So what's my sudden interest in the Democratic Primary and the Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders. For the record, I am not a Democrat nor a republican supporter; I am from a land far away from US and hence have no natural interest in who Americans elect as President. But sometimes the arrogance of main stream media just pisses you off and this post is a repose to one of that. I accidently stumbled upon this post from Business Insiders - Why Bernie Sanders won't be a threat to Hillary Clinton?. Now to an extent the article makes sense, Bernie doesn't have the financial power of a Clinton nor has the charm and aura. Nor he is well know. In this part of the World, where I live I doubt many knows Bernie Sanders. At least they know Hillary, thanks to that endless coverage of the Bill and Monica lewd affair or should I ter it a scandal?

But despite the some of the glaring facts stated in the article, the author has shown his/her lack of fore sight or an ability to look in to future. The CNN poll on which the article is based clearly mentions how Hillary's popularity has dipped 9% in last two months and Bernie Sanders increased by the same number. Which basically means that he has eaten in to her support group by a whooping 9% in two months. When is the first Primary going to be held? Yeah, it's in February 2016. That's another six months away and by that time God knows how much he will eat into her support group. If we go by the same rate, by February Bernie may increase his popularity by 27% and Hillary may have decreased by the same. Then usually such a turn around don't happen, isn't it? Here I am arguing why that is going to happen and when the first Primary start Hillary would have lost very much in the race. Actually I believe she will concede the race after the initial set of primary.

Now that's an outrageous claim to make, isn't it? I will tell you why precisely that may happen.

Economic Worries will propel Bernie Sanders Ahead

First of all the first primary, I think the Iowa caucus one take place on February 1. As I explained that's six months away. By that time the economy may resemble the scenes we usually see in Hollywood Disaster movies. Many of the economic pundits are clearly warning that the whole economy could collapse by the end of the summer or the best case by the end of the year. I personally think we may start seeing catastrophic economic accidents starting this September and becoming worse in October and November.

So come February we may be starring at the collapse the entire financial system. When the financial system collapses the one who would be affected first would be the millions of lower class and middle class families. There entire savings (if they have any) would be wiped off, their retirement plans, the 401k, the mutual fund investments, the subsidies, the food stamps all could be wiped out in a matter of months. In such a scenario, how many of you think the people would be flocking to Hillary Clinton, a person who always had closer connection with the ruling elites and the corporate.

When the collapse happen, there would be an whole mighty scramble by the Senators and Congressmen of both parties to save the Banks and Corporations. Without any doubt they would sacrifice whatever saving the American public did for the sake of the big banks. There will be a minority who may sound against those actions. Where do you think Hillary Clinton will be standing on that debate? I know where Bernie Sanders would be standing? He would be cheer leading the opposition to any such moves. That is the problem for Hillary!

So when February comes calling the so called Hillary backers and media supporters would be in for a rude shock. Bernie would towering over her! Hillary's chance of success would depend on whether the financial system would sustain itself with the phony recovery. The chances of that happening looks extremely slim. An economy which is tanking and especially hurting the middle class will see masses flock to Bernie Sanders quickly. That would make the current 9% jump in two months appear tiny.

The same could apply in the eventual Presidential run also. It is more or less becoming clear that Donald Trump or similar candidate will be the nominee of Republicans. Regardless of their credential in the presidential election late in next year, people will look around for a person who had opposed consistently the creators of the economic carnage which would be happening. In such a scenario, the race could end up being a heavy one-sided race.
